Tuesday, 6 June 2017

When Do You Use French Capitalization? Laura K. Lawless

French and English capitalization are quite different, as it is much less common in French. Many words that must be capitalized in English cannot be in French, so read through this lesson to make sure that you're not over-capitalizing your French. Also, find an answer to the debate about whether French capital letters can/should/must be accented.


1. First person singular subject pronoun (lesson), unless it's at the beginning of the sentence.
He said, "I love you."Il a dit « je t'aime ».
Je suis prêt.I'm ready.
2. Days of the week, months of the year (lesson)
Monday, Tuesday...lundi, mardi...
January, February...janvier, février...
3. Geographical words
Molière Streetrue Molière
Victor Hugo Ave.av. Victor Hugo
Pacific Oceanl'océan Pacifique
Mediterranean Seala mer Méditerranée
Mont Blancle mont Blanc
4. Languages (list of languages)
French, English, Russianle français, l'anglais, le russe
5. Nationalities (list of nationalities)
French adjectives that refer to nationalities are not capitalized, but proper nouns are.
I'm American.Je suis américain.
He bought a French flag.Il a acheté un drapeau français.
She married a Spaniard.Elle s'est mariée avec un Espagnol.
I saw an Australian.J'ai vu un Australien.
6. Religions
The names of most religions, their adjectives, and their adherents (proper nouns) are not capitalized in French.
ReligionAdjectiveProper Noun
Christianityle christianismeChristian chrétienChristianun chrétien
Judaismle judaïsmeJewishjuifJewun juif
Hinduismle hindouismeHinduhindouHindu*
Buddhismle bouddhismeBuddhistbouddhisteBuddhist*
Islam*MuslimmusulmanMuslimun musulman
*Exceptions a Hindu - un Hindou
a Buddhist - un Bouddhiste
Islam - l'Islam
by Laura K. Lawless

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