Thursday, 18 August 2016

Le Futur Simple

The 'simple' future (le futur) is so-named because it is a one-word tense.
In other words, its formation is simple because there is no auxiliary.

The endings for the simple future are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont.
The future stem for -er and -ir verbs is the infinitive.
For regular -re verbs, the stem is the infinitive minus the final e.

nager  'to swim'
je nagerai                                                                            I will swim                         
tu nageras                                                                           you will swim   
il, elle / on nagera                                                            he, she (it) / one will swim          
nous nagerons                                                                  we will swim
vous nagerez                                                                     you will swim
ils / elles nageront                                                           they will swim

réfléchir  'to think'
je réfléchirai                                                                       I will think           
tu réfléchiras                                                                     you will think
il, elle / on réfléchira                                                       he, she (it) / one will think
nous réfléchirons                                                             we will think
vous réfléchirez                                                                you will think
ils / elles réfléchiront                                                      they will think

rendre  'to give back'
je rendrai                                                                            I will give back 
tu rendras                                                                           you will give back            
il, elle / on rendra, he, she (it) /                                                 one will give back            
nous rendrons                                                                  we will give back
vous rendrez                                                                     you will give back
ils / elles rendront                                                           they will give back

Many verbs which are irregular in the present tense have regular formations in the future. Such verbs include sortir (je sortirai), partir (je partirai), dormir (je dormirai), boire (je boirai), dire (je dirai), écrire (j'écrirai), lire (je lirai), mettre (je mettrai), prendre (je prendrai), and suivre (je suivrai).

Here are the most common verbs that have irregular future stems:

allerir-j'iraiI will go
courircourr-je courraiI will run
devoirdevr-je devraiI will be obliged to
envoyerenverr-j'enverraiI will send
fairefer-je feraiI will do
falloirfaudr-il faudrait will be necessary
mourirmourr-je mourraiI will die
obtenirobtiendr-j'obtiendraiI will obtain
pleuvoirpleuvr-il pleuvrait will rain
pouvoirpourr-je pourraiI will be able
recevoirrecevr-je recevraiI will receive
savoirsaur-je sauraiI will know
tenirtiendr-je tiendraiI will hold
venirviendr-je viendraiI will come
voirverr-je verraiI will see
vouloirvoudr-je voudraiI will want

future stems of verbs with spelling changes
Verbs with spelling changes like appeleremployer, and acheter add -r to the present tense je form to create their future stems:

present tensestemfuturetranslation
j'appelleappeller-j'appelleraiI will call
j'emploieemploier-j'emploieraiI will use
j'achèteachèter-j'achèteraiI will buy

Other -er verbs verbs with spelling changes including préférermanger, and commencer have regular future stems. 

Give the futur simple of the verb indicated in parentheses.

1.            Tex et Tammy ______ ensemble. (partir)

2.            Tammy ______ ses études. (finir)

3.            Tammy: J' ______ un livre. (écrire)

4.            Tammy: Je ______ les habitudes de Tex. (comprendre)

5.            Tammy: Tex et moi, nous ______ beaucoup. (voyager)

6.            Tex: Mes neveux, vous ______ la philosophie! (aimer)

7.            Tammy: Tex, tu ______ la table, n'est-ce pas? (mettre)

8.            Tammy ______ sans cesse. (chanter)

9.            Joe-Bob ______ des cours faciles. (suivre)

10.          Tex: Bette, est-ce que tu ______ Tammy? (respecter)

11.          Joe-Bob ______ pendant quatre jours. (dormir)

12.          Tammy et Bette ______ . (se téléphoner)


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