Vocabulary List
je me lève I wake up
je prends ma douche I take my
je me lave les dents I brush my
je me lave le visage I wash my
je prends le petit
déjeuner I eat breakfast
je prends un café I have a coffee
j’attends le bus I wait for the
je vais au travail I go to work
je vais à l'école I go to school
je vais au cabinet I go to the
je prends le déjeuner I have lunch
je prends une sieste I have a
je rentre chez moi I go home
je fais du sport I do sports/I exercise
je rencontre des amis I meet some friends
je vais à la gym I
go to the gym
je prends le dîner I have dinner
je regarde la télé I watch TV
je lis un livre I read a book
je me couche I go to bed
Here's a list with Flash cards
Here's a list of varios reflexive verbs
s'adresser à to
address, speak to
s'approcher de to approach
s'asseoir to sit down
se baigner to bathe, swim
se brosser(les cheveux, les dents) to brush (one's hair, one's teeth)
se casser(la jambe, le bras) to break (one's leg, one's arm)
se coiffer to fix one's hair
se coucher to go to bed
se couper to cut oneself
se dépêcher to hurry
se déshabiller to get undressed
se doucher to take a shower
s'énerver to get annoyed
s'enrhumer to catch a cold
se fâcher to get angry
se fatiguer to get tired
se fier to trust
s'habiller to get dressed
s'habituer à to get used to
s'imaginer to imagine
s'intéresser à to be interested in
se laver(les mains, la figure) to wash (one's hands, one's face)
se lever to get up
se maquiller to put on makeup
se marier(avec) to get married (to)
se méfier de to mistrust, distrust, beware of/about
se moquer de to make fun of (someone else)
se moucher to blow one's nose
se noyer to drown
se peigner to comb one's hair
se promener to take a walk
se raser to shave
se refroidir to cool down, get cold
se regarder to look at oneself
se reposer to rest
se réveiller to wake up
se soûler to get drunk
se souvenir de to remember
se taire to be quiet
s'approcher de to approach
s'asseoir to sit down
se baigner to bathe, swim
se brosser(les cheveux, les dents) to brush (one's hair, one's teeth)
se casser(la jambe, le bras) to break (one's leg, one's arm)
se coiffer to fix one's hair
se coucher to go to bed
se couper to cut oneself
se dépêcher to hurry
se déshabiller to get undressed
se doucher to take a shower
s'énerver to get annoyed
s'enrhumer to catch a cold
se fâcher to get angry
se fatiguer to get tired
se fier to trust
s'habiller to get dressed
s'habituer à to get used to
s'imaginer to imagine
s'intéresser à to be interested in
se laver(les mains, la figure) to wash (one's hands, one's face)
se lever to get up
se maquiller to put on makeup
se marier(avec) to get married (to)
se méfier de to mistrust, distrust, beware of/about
se moquer de to make fun of (someone else)
se moucher to blow one's nose
se noyer to drown
se peigner to comb one's hair
se promener to take a walk
se raser to shave
se refroidir to cool down, get cold
se regarder to look at oneself
se reposer to rest
se réveiller to wake up
se soûler to get drunk
se souvenir de to remember
se taire to be quiet
s'asseoir, to sit
s'appeler, to be
s'arrêter, to stop
se brosser, to
se coucher, to go
to bed
s'habiller, to get
se laver, to wash
se lever, to get up
se promener, to
take a walk
se réveiller, to
wake up
s'amuser, to have fun
se dépêcher, to
s'endormir, to fall
s'ennuyer, to be
s'entendre, to get
se fâcher, to get
se marier, to get
se passer, to
se reposer, to rest
se sentir, to feel
se souvenir de, to
se taire, to be
se tromper, to make
a mistake
se trouver, to be
s'aimer, to love
each other
se détester, to
hate each other
se disputer, to
s'embrasser, to
se parler to talk
to each other
se quitter, to
leave each other
se regarder, to
look at each other
se retrouver, to
meet each other
se téléphoner, to
telephone each other
1.Tex et Tammy ne ______ pas avec leurs amis. (s'ennuyer)
2.Fiona dit à Tex: Tu ______ , mais moi, je vais travailler. (s'amuser)
3.Tammy dit à Fiona: tu ne vas pas ______ ? (se reposer)
4.Tex et Tammy ______ à Zilker Park. (se promener)
5.Tex: Tammy ne ______ jamais avec moi. (se fâcher)
6.Bette ______toujours pour Tex. (se maquiller)
7.Tex: Je ne ______ pas. Je n'ai pas de cheveux. (se raser)
8.Bette demande à Fiona: Est-ce que tu ______ à minuit? (se coucher)
9.Corey: Mes amis et moi, nous ne ______ jamais les cheveux. (se brosser)
10. Edouard, à quelle heure est-ce que vous ______ le week-end? (se lever)
11. Corey ne ______ jamais avant midi. (se réveiller)
12. Edouard: Je ne ______ pas. Je suis un escargot. (se dépêcher)
reflexive pronoun can be either a direct or an indirect object of the verb with
which it is used.
the Passé Composé, when the reflexive pronoun is a direct object of the verb,
the past participle must agree in number and gender with that reflexive
pronoun. (By extension, the past participle also agrees with the subject, which
is of course the same person or thing to which the reflexive pronoun refers.)
s’est baignée. She got (herself) bathed.
(She took a bath.)
nous sommes habillés. We got (ourselves) dressed.
se sont déshabillées. They (feminine) got (themselves) undressed.
the reflexive pronoun is an indirect object, the past participle doesn’t
change. In this instance, it’s helpful
to think of the reflexive pronoun as meaning “FOR oneself” or “OF oneself”.
Elle s’est brossé
les cheveux. She
brushed her hair (the hair OF herself).
Ils se sont acheté
un chien. They
bought themselves a dog. (They bought a
dog FOR themselves.)
are some other tips for figuring out whether the reflexive pronoun is direct or
With most reflexive verbs that aren’t followed by a noun, the reflexive pronoun
is the direct object. For these verbs, the past participle must agree with the
reflexive pronoun.
s’est endormie. Suzanne fell asleep.
vous êtes amusés. You all had fun.
se sont blessées. They hurt themselves. (They got hurt.)
When a reflexive verb is followed by a preposition + a noun, the reflexive
pronoun is the direct object, so the past participle must agree with that
reflexive pronoun.
Édith s’est
échappée du bâtiment. Édith
escaped from the building.
Les étudiants se
sont inquiétés de l’examen. The students worried about the exam.
When a noun directly follows a reflexive verb with no preposition in between,
the reflexive pronoun is indirect; in this case, the past participle does not
change its ending.
Elle s’est acheté
une nouvelle jupe. She
bought herself a new skirt. (She bought a new skirt FOR herself.)
Elles se sont lavé
le visage. They
washed their faces.
In a sentence with a reflexive verb and a direct object pronoun, the reflexive
pronoun is always the indirect object, so the past participle does not agree
with the reflexive pronoun. BUT, the
past participle must agree with the direct object pronoun, in keeping with the
rules for direct object pronoun agreement.
Il s’est acheté le
journal. He
bought himself the newspaper. (“Newspaper” is masculine.)
se l’est acheté. He bought it (the newspaper).
s’est acheté la revue. He bought himself the magazine. (“Revue” is feminine.)
se l’est achetée. He bought it (the magazine).
The reflexive pronoun for the following verbs is always an indirect object, so
the past participle remains unchanged (unless there is also a direct object
pronoun in the sentence, as seen in (d) above):
: to buy (for) oneself
demander : to wonder
dire : to say (to oneself)
faire mal : to hurt oneself
: to imagine, to think
parler : to talk (to oneself)
se plaire (à
faire…) : to enjoy (doing…)
procurer : to obtain (for oneself)
promettre : to promise (oneself)
se rendre compte
de: to realize
reprocher : to criticize, to blame (oneself)
rire (de qqun) : to mock (someone)
The reflexive pronoun for the following reciprocal reflexive verbs is also
always an indirect object, so the past participle remains unchanged (unless
there is also a direct object pronoun in the sentence, as seen in (d) above):
dire : to say (to each other)
donner : to give (to each other)
: to write (to each other)
parler : to talk (to each other)
promettre : to promise (each other)
raconter: to tell (each other)
rendre visit : to visit (each other)
reprocher : to criticize, to blame (each other)
ressembler : to resemble (each other)
sourire : to smile (at each other)
téléphoner : to call (each other)
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