La tête = The head
le visage = the face
le front = the forehead
un œil = an eye
les yeux = the eyes
le nez = the nose
une oreille = an ear
les sourcils (m.) = the eyebrows
les cils (m.) = the eyelashes
la joue = the cheek
la bouche = the mouth
les lèvres (f.) = the lips
les dents (f.) = the teeth
la langue = the tongue
la moustache = the mustache
la barbe = the beard
les cheveux (m.) = the hair
le menton = the chin
la mâchoire = the jaw
le cou = the neck
la nuque = the back of neck
la gorge = throat
Le bras / The Arm
l'épaule (f.) = the shoulder
le coude = the elbow
la main = the hand
le doigt = the finger
l'ongle (m.) = the nail
le poignet= the wrist
le pouce = the thumb
La jambe / The Leg
le genou = the knee
la cuisse = the thigh
le mollet = the calf
la cheville = the ankle
le pied = the foot
le talon = the heel
l'orteil (m.) = the toe
Le torse / The Torso
le dos = the back
la poitrine = the chest
le ventre = the stomach
l'estomac = the stomach
le nombril = the belly button
les hanches (f.) = the hips
l'épine (f.) = the spine